Tuesday 18 October 2011

Half term's a-coming!

This week I have been asked to change my blog titles to be more content orientated in case someone wanted to 'look back' at a previous blog and couldn't easily find the one they wanted. Duly astonished that someone might even consider doing this, but I do bow to superior wisdom.

It is the last week before half term. We have waved goodbye to the toddler group for a fortnight and we have despatched the harvest gifts to their respective charities. At the college where I used to work my former colleagues will be packing their suitcases and counting down the days, and employees of all other descriptions the world over will be snorting “Half what?” derisively.

Yes, my brain still thinks in terms. It's not that I have half terms off any more (or Summer. Or Christmas. Not even Christmas day actually....) it's more the result of being surrounded by youth ministries. But it has got me to thinking – this half of the term is a bit of a milestone! Hooray!

We did Harvest. A large undertaking. We started all the youth work again. It's going well. We have prayed and mulled and sang a lot. We have planned and dreamed and envisioned a lot. We've worked hard, and this is only the beginning! It's been a great half term working together for God, and I can't wait to see the view from the end of the next one. After all everything will be jingle-belled and candlelit by then. And I don't mind working Christmas day really. In fact I can't wait!

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