This week a lot of our ministries are winding down for Easter. We have had our last Footprints (toddler group) and youth club for 2 weeks, and also our final assembly and Friday Club of the term. Monday will be the last Take-A-Break coffee morning before the bank holiday, and while the sun is still shining out brightly, it seems the perfect time to start thinking about sitting back and resting a bit.
March has been, for us, a particularly busy month. We have had extra events (the Women’s World Day of Prayer service, a funeral, a visit from Home Mission about a possible grant, and an extra preach at Clare Baptist Church) as well as the usual engagements - home groups, youth work, ministers’ and members’ meetings and of course Mothering Sunday too!
In assembly this morning we re-enacted the crowds cheering Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. I feel a bit like doing that at the minute, giving Jesus a big cheer! I know it sounds cheesy, but He’s helped us through such a lot of hard work and new experiences this month. This whole term in fact.
We’ve had quite a few leaders away from time to time this term, in assemblies, Friday Club, leadership meetings, Youth Club, Take-A-Break, and at Footprints too. It makes you realise how much you love and value your team members, because it’s not just harder without them, but you just miss having them around! It also makes you grateful for a God who provides new brilliant people to step in when you need them.
Our Sunday congregations seem to have been fluctuating a bit recently too with various holidays, work stresses, illnesses and different circumstances. It was a real blessing to see a good gathering of our church family together again for Mothering Sunday. Well done God, pulling us together again, when we seem to have been been almost too busy to see each other recently!
Easter, a time to celebrate God's goodness, a time to rest and time for fellowship, seems to be coming along at a good moment.