Tuesday 11 September 2012

If You’re Ever Going to Start Praying, Now’s a Good Time!

This Sunday some of us stayed on after church to pray for our Baptist Union Day of Prayer. After a yummy bring and share lunch together we went back into the church to pray for the changes that are being considered in our denomination. The union are hoping these discussions will end up not just with ways of addressing our financial deficit but also the renewal of the way we do church as a union.

It can be quite difficult to understand the ins and outs of all these meetings and proposals but what we do understand is that if we want God to heal our land, and reinvigorate our churches we have to ‘humble ourselves and pray’ (2 Chronicles 7:14). It was great to know that we were joining with other Baptists from across the nation to pray on that day.

On top of this, on 29th September Christians from all different backgrounds and denominations are meeting at Wembley Stadium to pray and worship together on another (aptly named) National Day of Prayer and Worship. Just as I feel that our prayer meetings for Bures are a real assurance that we will see change in our village, these national prayer initiatives encourage me that we will see change across our country.

I think a lot of people, Christian or otherwise, would concede that our country is in need of a moral and spiritual overhaul and I personally long to see it, for our own sake and for the sake of the generations to come.  The meeting in Wembley is a good start, but we must all be prepared to join in if we want to see real change.

The church has to ask itself, are we, across the nation, prepared to get down on our knees and pray? Even in churches prayer sometimes still seems taboo, uncomfortable or boring. ‘It’s an added bonus if I can make it to the occasional prayer meeting – brownie points for me!’ I suppose this is one of the devil’s greatest successes, making Christians unwilling to pray. We have been fooled into considering prayer dispensable and a low-priority, when actually it is our lifeline. If we want God’s help, we need to ask for it. If we want a relationship with God, we have to work at it. And if we want change, we can’t do it without Him.

Will you be joining in and praying on September 29th and beyond? As a moustachioed ancestor of my husband’s once said (yes, I married a descendent of Lord Kitchener – impressed?), Your Country Needs You!


Interested in more?
Check out some of our Sunday sermons at: http://www.buresbaptistchurch.org/sermon_catchup.php

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